Dec 3, 2010
Nov 12, 2010
Nov 10, 2010

To leave
· Na acepção “largar ou esquecer em algum lugar”:
“I think I left my cell phone in my car”, Josh told his friend Carl. (“Acho que deixei meu celular no carro” Josh disse ao seu amigo Carl.)
“Why don’t you leave a message on Bob’s answering machine?”, Karen suggested to Terry. (“Por que você não deixa recado na secretária eletrônica de Bob?”, Karen sugeriu a Terry.)
To leave
(Partir, ir embora)
Johnny left New York for good. (Johnny foi-se embora de Nova York para sempre.)
To let
· Na acepção “permitir”:
I’ll let you use my car if you promise to drive carefully”, Ted told Will. (“Eu vou deixar você dirigir o meu carro se você prometer dirigir cuidadosamente”, Ted disse a Will.)
Oct 28, 2010

Wow, in this month we are having a lot of holidays,
Well, not a lot , just two, but enough to enjoy ourselves and travel or maybe just sleep a bit more, there is some time to go until they come, but just think and imagine what we can do, it’s so good! =D
On November 2nd (Tuesday) there is a holiday, so people who don’t work have four days off, like a vacation in advance. After that, on November 15th (Monday) three more days to enjoy and relax…HOHOHO, “That’s a good life” hihi..
I don’t know very well, but I think that I’m going to the farm, travel or go out with my friends… and you? Do you know what you are going to do? Tell me!
XoxoOct 27, 2010
Oct 20, 2010
Oct 15, 2010