Oct 15, 2010

This week the movie which we'll post about is 'Despicable Me' ( or in Portuguese 'Meu Malvado Favorito' ), that is a funny movie with a story of a supervillain named Gru who plans to use three orphan girls as pawns for a grand scheme, only to find that their innocent love is profoundly changing him.

Egypt's Mummies

Son: Daddy, have you ever been to Egypt?

Father: No. Why do you ask that? Son:Well, where did you get mummy then?

This is a clip about the numbers, it's funny and cute! It's worth watching.

On October 15th the Teacher’s Day is celebrated, which is dedicated to the people who teach everybody a lot of things, and who is an example to us. So Ingles.Com pays tribute to these people and invites you to pay tribute to Marcia, Cláudia, Luana and Valéria (our teachers) too and leave your message on our notice board and the funniest messages will be posted here in the blog.

My Teacher

Thank you, my teacher, for being there

At times when skies were gray

Thank you, my teacher, for lending an ear

When I had things to say

You showered love on me lavishly

When no one seemed to care

You brought me joys untold

To fill my heart with moments of gold

I would have felt isolated and lonely

If you had not been there

I lack the words to let you know

How much you mean to me,

But I will profusely thank God for you

Until the Eternity.

- Maryam Mashhadi