Dec 4, 2013

Christmas - Our Mural

Look at our mural with reindeer and sleigh

Oct 17, 2013

                                        Children's Day

Which of these sweets you would like to be eating now?

                                          Our Mural

Some candy that children like

Sep 4, 2013

Bands' names meaning

Maybe you've always wanted to know the real meaning of some bands' name, so we are going to show you some that we have prepared.

Termo utilizado para milhão de mortes.

                                  Inspirado no nome de dois dos integrantes da banda.

                                                               Donzela de ferro

Nó utilizado para abater animais

Aug 27, 2013

If you've been writing like that , you should definitely come to fast!

Aug 26, 2013

Computer Language

It is so useful learning about this topic because adds with other type of vocabularies. With some new words, you will start talk like an american on the internet, besides this, it's good to say that all them are slangs. Look below.

BTW = By The Way = A propósito, por falar nisso.
BRB = Be Right Back = Volto já.
ASAP = As Soon As Possible = O mais rapidamente.
NP= No Problem = Sem problema.
OMG = Oh My God = Oh meu Deus.
U = You =  você.
AFK = Away From The Keyboard = Longe do computador.
TKS = Thanks = Obrigado.
LOL= Loughing Out Loud = Rir às gargalhadas.

Aug 12, 2013

Father's Day

Just here you can send a card for your father with your own words and at the same time it be a nice shirt. We've some shirt models that were given for the students.
Take a look!

Jun 7, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

The Valentine's Day in United States is commemorated with the intention to send a letter for who you like: friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, wife, husband. Although, there are a lot of people who use to give a gift only with  the respective partner, like in Brazil. Here, at we did a card to send for who you prefer. Some of students had already written it. You can enjoy the kidding and write for your teacher, classmate or someone who you are interested, why not? 

"Love is in the air"

May 20, 2013


What do you know about what you wear? Did you know that some words in English we use in Portuguese too? Yeah, practice your vocabulary below:





Long Sleeve T-shirt




May 14, 2013

Mother's day 

Some pictures of our mother's day. Look at these flowers that we did. Witch one would you give to your mom?

May 13, 2013

Our Mural.

Each student did a little letter to their moms saying what They represent to them.

May 10, 2013

Mother's Day

                                                                      Mother's day

Few days are so important as Mother's Day. Maybe, we haven't perceived how great, how careful they are with us, children.Whatever you make, she'll forgive you because, definitely, you are her life. You and she can't imagine the word "life" missing each other.
Moms were, by far, the best gift that God give us. It's more than have a mom, it's feel Mother in your heart.
So, to celebrate that give a symbolic flower to her.

Apr 12, 2013

School Objects

Hey guys, do you remember how to write some school objects words? No? So, what about take a look at this vocabulary below to know well all them? 





 Mechanical Pencil
Pencil Case



Mar 25, 2013

Body Activity

Backpack students had a project to practice the parts of the body by making their own monsters. Afterwards, they could use their knowledge of English to describe their creatures and their classmates' as well. 

Women's day

Tomorrow we have a great day for everyone specially, for women. Because they will celebrate everything they have now. And I think you are going to give something to the woman of your life, because this gift will represent your love for being with her at this moment.  See you tomorrow ladies.

Mar 22, 2013

Let's celebrate the viewers!

Today, I was looking at blog, in the administrator part and I started to see the viewers. When I looked at the audience of our blog I was really surprised. The blog has been seen in many countries and continents around the world. Yeah, believe it, just check it out below.

  1. Brazil: 1704 views.
  2. United States: 446 views.
  3. Germany: 102  views.
  4. Russia: 93 views.
  5. Canada: 82 views.
  6. Netherlands: 77 views.
  7. United Kingdom: 59 views.
  8. Ukraine: Brazil:46 views.
  9. Latvia: 33 views.
  10. India: 32 views.
                                                                               Click on the photo to see larger.

A little piece of us...

Here, all students can improve their English having fun!!! (:
We have students that like learning English!

Mar 18, 2013

Am I right?

Oh, you have to agree with me: this weather... so just have to stay at home, lie down, watch a romantic movie. Popcorn is a great idea, too. When you are at home, you look outside the window and see the's certainly a gift from God. Sleeping? Oh, right, it can be nice, too, haha, it's a consequence of everything  I've already said.

Mar 12, 2013

False cognates

Ø Actually: Na verdade.
Ø Notice: Notar, reparar.
Ø Push: Empurrar.
Ø Intend: Pretender.
Ø Pretend: Fingir.
Ø College: Faculdade.
Ø Parents: Pais.
Ø Contest: Competição, Disputa.
Ø Figure: Número.
Ø Sort: Tipo.
Ø Sympathetic: Solidário.
Ø Novel: Romance.
Ø Data: Dados.
Ø Costume: Fantasia.

Mar 7, 2013

Women's day

Tomorrow we have a great day for everyone specially, for women. Because they will celebrate everything they have now. And I think you are going to give something to the woman of your life, because this gift will represent your love for being with her at this moment.  See you tomorrow ladies.

Feb 27, 2013


There's another notice board at and we have got 'slangs' to help you again. So, when you are talking about something and you are sure you can do it, you say: "I can handle it" that means "Eu dou conta disso"and here's an example: 
- Could you do that for me?
- Yes, I can handle it!
And there're a lot of expressions, but we are taking easy now because we are just starting. So, see you later.

Feb 8, 2013


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